Thursday, January 11, 2007

We're 3/4s of the way there!!

Just got word from the Transplant Coordinator that I am the healthiest donor she has ever seen! All my tests came back 100% perfect! Not only are Bob and I the same blood type (A Negative..which we already knew) but all my blood tests, urine protein, creatinine, hematology, HBGs, etc. are "fantastic".

Now we have to wait until next week for the "big" result....the actual tissue match. I have great faith that this also will come back "fantastic"! We've all worked so hard over these past four years to get Bob as healthy as possible so that when the transplant was necessary, he would be the healthiest recipient ever. The doctors as MCV said when they looked at his original lab results, that if we hadn't worked so hard to get the rest of him healthy, they would never have considered him today for a transplant. That's pretty sobering.

But that's old news - we are a positive family that doesn't look back - doesn't say 'what if' and especially doesn't sweat the little stuff. We believe that you have the power to do anything if you want it badly enough - and believe me, we want this!

So say a prayer (or two) and know that all your wonderful words of encouragement are needed more than you will ever know.

Bob and I are so blessed to have Jen and Ali (and yes the boys and grandchildren also) in our can we lose with such a supportive family like that.