Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Doc's Pleased With Duni's Progress

One of the concerns for people with kidney issues is high blood pressure. My dad had really high BP when he was first diagnosed with kidney disease in 2003. He was not able to take any medication at the time because they all elevated his blood potassium to dangerously high levels. So he needed to try and control it naturally. After some research and failed attempts, he found the magic bullet to control his BP - 6 oz of Xango a day. Within a week of drinking this fruit juice, his BP went from 160/90 to 135/90 - and stayed that way for years.

Unfortunately, after his kidney's crashed over New Year's, his BP shot back up to 160/90. Since dialysis requires such a limited amount of daily fluid intake, he was forced to cut his Xango back to 3 oz per day. His BP would not go back down, so they put his on 2 different BP meds and it still won't budge below 160.

My mom just sent me this email:

Apparently the doctors are pleased with how well his kidneys are doing with respect to urinating. So they told him he can increase his liquids - so I'm starting him on 6+oz. of Xango a day, starting today. The goal obviously is to eventually get him off all those BP meds.

My dad is not a fan of pharmaceuticals and hates taking the BP meds - which aren't working anyway - which as you can imagine irritates him even more. So I will report back on whether or not going back on 6 oz of Xango can finally bring his BP back to 135/90 where is was before Christmas.