Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Why a Blog?
I am Bob's youngest daughter, Allison. I started this blog for my father due to the overwhelming interest in his kidney transplant situation. There are literally hundreds of family and friends that want to be "kept in the loop" about my dad's transplant. So my sister, Jennifer, and I decided that this would be the best way to do that to prevent us from spending hours on email and on the phone rehasing the same info over and over (we do have 6 kids between the ages of 5 and 12 between us:)
So I hope you all find this blog informational and helpful. I plan on posting weekly and my sister and my mom will also have authority to post, so you might read a blurb from them every once in a while. But since my mom is hoping to be the kidney donor, she will be extremely busy over the next few weeks.